Welcome to the first Dorn Method and Breuss Spinal Massage academy in the UK .
" Jacqui with Dieter Dorn "
Trained and mentored by
Mr. Dieter Dorn himself.
We offer regular training seminars throughout the year to therapists, to enable them to provide their clients with the added benefits of these effective techniques.
Private and one2one tuition can be arranged with Jacqui.
Lay persons can also join seminars and will be advised of which dates will be suitable.
All students who qualify with Jacqui will be enrolled free on the British Register of Dorn & Breuss Therapists.
Other Dorn and Breuss therapists may join for a one off payment of £10 (copy of certificate required).
Jacqui Hamer is a registered and chartered physiotherapist, C&G qualified lecturer, registered CPD provider and
authorised to teach the Dorn Method.
Fully FHT accredited